Here, you will find the latest information, notification of events and available dates at our centres as well as selected reports and articles on the topics of continuing education, careers, educational guidance, qualifications and the employment market.

  • Notifications

    Book your appointment online

    From beginning of 2023, all our centres for Educational Counselling and Career Guidance in Berlin offer you the opportunity to book an appointment online via our website. You will find a form for booking your appointment on the contact page of every center. During the booking process you will select your preferred format for the appointment and you can let us know in advance what you would like councelling on.

  • Notifications

    New feedback system for Educational Counselling and Career Guidance

    Starting in October 2022, the new feedback system is used in all counselling centers of the Network Educational Counselling and Career Guidance in Berlin. After your counselling session at one of the advice centers, by phone or online, we would like to know if the counselling supported you in the implementation of your educational and […]

  • Notifications

    Multilingual advice hotline for international professionals

    Under the multilingual advice hotline, international specialists can receive information and advice on all questions relating to the recognition of their professional qualifications and thus quickly take up qualified professions in Berlin. The cooperation with the recognition advice centres of the IQ Netzwerk Berlin, the counselling services of the Berlin Job Centres and others such […]

  • Events, Workshops

    Events and workshops of the Educational Counselling and Career Guidance in SEPTEMBER 2022

    Here you will find information on events and workshops of Berlin’s centers for Educational Counselling and Career Guidance, which will take place online or in person in September 2022.

  • Notifications

    Education and careers guidance for refugees from Ukraine – Консультація для біженців з України

    (UKR) В консультаційних центрах м.Берлін біженці з України, можуть отримати інформацію та консультації з питань ринку праці, освіти, роботи. Консультанти нададуть попередню інформацію, підтримку у вирішенні питань стосовно пошуку роботи, відповідних мовних курсів, можливостей визнання наявної кваліфікації або професійної пост-/перекваліфікації. В деяких консультаційних центрах за потреби послуги надаються також українською або російською мовами. (ENG) In […]

  • Notifications

    Further education funding in part-time work (German article)

    Viele Unternehmen beantragen in wirtschaftlich schwierigen Zeiten für ihre Beschäftigten das Kurzarbeitergeld (KUG), um Beschäftigungsverhältnisse zu erhalten und anschließend weiterhin auf Fachkräfte zurückgreifen zu können. Mit der vom Land Berlin geförderten Berliner Weiterbildungsprämie soll die Motivation der Beschäftigten gestärkt werden, während der Kurzarbeit eine Weiterbildung in Angriff zu nehmen. Als Berliner Weiterbildungsprämie werden 250 Euro […]

  • Notifications

    Educational Counselling and Career Guidance via phone, email, video-call or chat!

    Our centers offer Educational Counselling and Career Guidance despite the currently applicable restrictions. Just give us a call or write an email, and you will receive a consultation appointment in the format that suits you.