Here you can find further information and media on CET (Continuing Education and Training) databases, on funding programmes and on third-party offers.
Career guidance from the federal employment agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit)
Offers and information about career guidance and orientation from the employment agencies (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) located throughout Berlin.

Berlin South
Neukölln, Treptow-Köpenick,
Steglitz-Zehlendorf, Tempelhof-

Berlin Central
Mitte, Marzahn-Hellersdorf,

Berlin North
Reinickendorf, Pankow,
Additional guidance and counselling offers and programs
A selection of further guidance and counselling offers in Berlin and throughout Germany.

Berufsperspektiven für
Frauen (Career prospects for women)
Counselling network in Berlin

Integration durch
Qualifizierung (Integration through qualification)
Recognition of foreign qualifications and labor makret integration

Berliner Volkshochschulen (Berlin Adult Education Center)
General and vocational offers for further education

Beratungsnetzwerk Queraufstieg (Queraufstieg advisory network)
Counselling on dropping out of studies
Databases for further education and funding programs and opportunities
Information platforms for discovering additional training, further education and funding programs and opportunities

WDB Weiterbildungs-Datenbank Berlin (The Further Training Database Berlin)
Overview of further vocational trainings in Berlin

Bildungsserver (The German education server)
Information regarding the German education system

InfoWeb Weiterbildung (InfoWeb further education)
Comprehensive search engine for further education and vocational trainings

Aufstiegs-BAföG (Funding for upgrading training)
Funding under the Upgrading Training Assistance Act

Weiterbildungsstipendium (Continuing Education Scholarship)
Scholarship for people under 25 with successful vocational training

Förderungen der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Funding from the Federal Employment Agency)
Funding for continuing professional development
interviews conducted annually
in Berlin
9 am – 5 pm
Monday to Friday
languages spoken by our counsellors