We provide education and careers guidance

We give you the support you need in setting your own goals and in planning and fulfilling your vocational and/or educational aspirations. Educational Counselling and Career Guidance in Berlin offers you comprehensive and independent information and guidance free of charge.

We provide counselling on:

Further education and training

The counselling we provide covers the following topics: general further education, continuing vocational education and training, upgrading training, specialized further training opportunities, retraining.

Training, study, school graduation and post-qualification

We are counselling on (dual) training, entering a trade an technical collage or an university. We provide counselling on post-qualification. We consult on the transition from studies to vocational training. We provide information on catching up on (partial) vocational qualifications and on acquiring or catching up on a school-leaving certificate .

Professional (re)orientation

We provide counselling on professional (re)orientation and change of profession. Based on your interests, competencies and qualifications, we show you new career opportunities, perspectives and paths.

Learning and learning conditions

We consult and inform on learning conditions and requirements, but also on forms of learning in education and training. We provide information on “learning to learn”, online learning and offer guidance on the development of learning strategies.

Job prospects and entering the employment market

We offer counselling on issues of career entry planning and development. Based on your educational and professional history, we support you in planning and developing professional activities. We provide information on application strategies and show you ways to enter work and employment.

Qualification and further training in the company (qualification consulting)

We consult companies on corporate qualification options, qualification offers for employees, on further training needs planning and funding opportunities. We provide support in the planning of corporate training goals and the development of a training strategy.

Funding and financing options for education activities

We provide information and advice on funding opportunities for further education, study and training, e.g. on upgrading BAföG, BAföG or qualification funding from the Employment Agency. We will show you suitable financing options and explain the conditions and access points for financing your educational plans.

Professional integration and qualification in Germany

We consult immigrants on professional integration and qualification opportunities, on training and studies, internships and German language courses. We offer multilingual counselling regardless of country of origin or residence status.

What our clients say:

Im thankful for your service, it supports people to find orientation and motivation.

Helps me out to find a school. I really appreciated the way they handled, friendly people with high knowledge.

After our counselling session, I was motivated further to make my desire of becoming a nurse in Germany, a reality! Thank you!

It is a good starting point. I am very happy with the counselling. All my questions were answered and I got new ideas from the counselling.

Really helpful to know what I should do for now. And what are my options.

I so much appreciate the counselling and I got all the relevant information I need and also corrected the mistakes I did during my applications.

This service is invaluable for somebody like me to help me understand how the work market functions in Germany (very different from the UK!). My counsellor was excellent, pointed me in the right directions, helped me find right organisations I needed. I’m very grateful!!

Extraordinary experience. I get detailed answers to my questions.

The counsellor understood my background and education during the first visit and in the second visit they gave me my options and gave advice on financial assistance. I am now clear on which way to proceed. Overall my best decision to contact the counsellor. Thank you.

The counselling was good and helped me evaluate, however I would have loved it even more if I had come up with a concrete answer by the end. 🙂

The counsellor made me feel very comfortable around him and also took the time to break down the relevant information into digestible bits, while ensuring that I have a good overall picture of the education system as well as Ausbildung in nursing in Germany.

Counselling centres in Berlin

Are you interested in receiving education and/or careers counselling? Would you like to book an interview?
To make an appointment, please book online or contact one of the Berlin counselling centres by phone or e-mail.
For more information, see under Materials.

  • Spandau and Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
  • Pankow and Reinickendorf
  • Lichtenberg and Marzahn-Hellersdorf
  • Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Mitte
  • Neukölln and Treptow-Köpenick
  • Steglitz-Zehlendorf and Tempelhof-Schöneberg
  • Fachberatung Berufliche Nachqualifizierung (Advice on professional post-qualification)
  • Fachberatung Erfolg mit Sprache und Berufsabschluss (Succeeding with language and vocational qualification)
  • Fachstelle Qualifizierungsberatung in KMU (Counselling for SMEs)

in person

by telephone 

by video

via chat

by e-mail

What is Educational Counselling and Career Guidance in Berlin?

free of charge

thanks to the funding provided by the Federal State of Berlin


guided solely by your interests (your information will not be passed on to third parties)


of commercial interests in recommending courses or offers


at your request and in line with your concerns and expressed interests


available in Arabic, English, Farsi, French, Russian, Polish, Turkish, Spanish and others

close to home

our centres are located in different parts of the city



interviews conducted annually


in Berlin

9 am – 5 pm

Monday to Friday


languages spoken by our counsellors